Analog Design Re-Imagined
Silicon proven rapid design creation and migration
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What We Do
We have re-imagined Analog Design with the result being massive productivity benefits for analog and mixed-signal design. Necessity is the mother of invention as they say. To remain competitive, we created our flagship technology, ADONIS, which enabled us to thrive in the face of overseas competition while protecting our IP by keeping it local. We are completely USA based and have brought to market over 200 commercial designs for cochlear implants, imaging ROIC’s, smartphones, networking switches, and many others. In addition to application in the commercial domain, significant investment from DARPA, DTRA, AFRL, and the Navy, has helped tailor ADONIS to support the mission of DoD. Today, we are sharing with the IC design community a way to get analog done in digital timescale. We offer turn-key IP and libraries as well as the design automation to use our libraries as a starting point for generation of your custom circuit.
Analog Design Re-imagined
Structured Circuit Generation

Correct by Architecture Libraries
Key to the Productivity and Process Portability

Application Specific IP
Space, AI, Sensor platform, IOT

Radiation Hardened by Design
General Purpose Radiation Hardened

Trusted and Assured Manufacturing
Per die chip ID